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  1. Starting from the code skeleton, in the oneProducerOneConsumer package, implement the Producer-Consumer algorithm for a buffer of size 1.
  2. Modify the Producer-Consumer algorithm to accept multiple producers and multiple consumers. Also, modify the buffer to have a size greater than 1. Start from the skeleton in the multipleProducersMultipleConsumersNBuffer package.
  3. Solve the dining philosophers problem (in the philosophersProblem package) and explain it.
  4. Solve the Readers-Writers problem using the first conditional synchronization solution in the course (in the readersWriters.conditionedSynchronization package).
  5. Solve the Readers-Writers problem where writers have priority (in the readersWriters.writerPriority package).
  6. Solve the barber problem (in the barber package).

The exercises in this laboratory must be solved using synchronization mechanisms such as wait/notify/notifyAll primitives or semaphores. Solutions that use concurrent objects will not be accepted.