- Starting from the code skeleton, in the oneProducerOneConsumer package, implement the Producer-Consumer algorithm for a buffer of size 1.
- Modify the Producer-Consumer algorithm to accept multiple producers and multiple consumers. Also, modify the buffer to have a size greater than 1. Start from the skeleton in the multipleProducersMultipleConsumersNBuffer package.
- Solve the dining philosophers problem (in the philosophersProblem package) and explain it.
- Solve the Readers-Writers problem using the first conditional synchronization solution in the course (in the readersWriters.conditionedSynchronization package).
- Solve the Readers-Writers problem where writers have priority (in the readersWriters.writerPriority package).
- Solve the barber problem (in the barber package).
The exercises in this laboratory must be solved using synchronization mechanisms such as wait/notify/notifyAll primitives or semaphores. Solutions that use concurrent objects will not be accepted.