Lab 9 - Distributed Operations and Processing in MPI
📄️ Reduce
Operația de reduce (cunoscută în limbajele funcționale - Haskell, Racket - drept fold) reprezintă un tip de operație prin care elementele unei colecții sunt restrânse / acumulate într-un singur rezultat, printr-o singură operație aplicată între elementele unei colecții (+, *, min, max etc.)
📄️ Scan
The scan operation is similar to the reduce operation (accumulating the elements of a collection into a single result). The difference from reduce is that in scan, the last process in the communicator holds the final result. In essence, scan is the reverse of reduce. Additionally, each process has a partially accumulated result, meaning process 0 has the value P0, process 1 has the value P0 + P1, process 2 has the value P0 + P1 + P2, and so on.
📄️ Broadcast
The broadcast operation is an operation in which one process sends a value to all processes within the communicator. In MPI, this operation is represented by MPI_Bcast (Laboratory 8).
📄️ Pipeline
In the field of computer science, a pipeline represents a concept used in the design of processors and hardware equipment to increase the number of instructions executed in a unit of time.
📄️ Rank Sort
Rank Sort is an algorithm for sorting a vector based on the rank of each element in the vector. The rank of an element represents how many numbers in the vector are smaller than it.
📄️ Exercises
Lab Skeleton.