Working with Types
We will delve into the details of how we can create and work with data structures in C#.
๐๏ธ Types in C#
Primitive Types
๐๏ธ Classes in Detail
We will now focus on the usage of classes. Object-oriented programming organizes code and data into objects. As we have seen, classes can contain fields, properties, constructors, and methods with various access modifiers.
๐๏ธ Inheritance, Interfaces, and Abstract Classes
๐๏ธ Generics
In many applications, we don't need inheritance/implementation; instead, we require generic implementations of class logic that can work with multiple data types. Interfaces may not be suitable here, as we might want to use generic classes with types that are not under our control, such as types from libraries.
๐๏ธ Collections
2 items
๐๏ธ Inheritance vs. Partial Classes vs. Extension Methods
Possibilities for Code Extension